At Anapol Weiss, Powerful Female Attorneys Lift Up Vulnerable Women, Giving Them a Voice in the Legal System
Traffickers and leaders of organizations that engage in sex trafficking and other forms of human exploitation should be held completely accountable for their actions. For the inhumane choice they made to exploit victims in the first place, as well as the subsequent choices they made every day to aid them in maintaining control, they deserve to face the consequences. Yet criminal cases can fall short of fully addressing the complex factors that contribute to human trafficking as well as the multiple layers of damages individual victims suffer.
The team of human trafficking and sex trafficking lawyers at Anapol Weiss pursues a different form of legal recourse through the civil court system.
A civil claim arising out of human trafficking can encompass not only the individual perpetrators of the crimes but also entities who were so significantly negligent that they could be considered complicit in the exploitation. When survivors of sex trafficking reflect on their experience, they often realize that other parties, like hotels and airlines, should have noticed that the situation was suspicious or inappropriate in some way. Although it may be difficult to prove that this entity broke any law, it may be possible to establish its liability for negligence that helped facilitate the mistreatment.
Additionally, the standard of evidence required for a civil legal matter is generally lower than that required for a criminal conviction. You may still be able to hold your trafficker and other parties accountable through civil legal action even if law enforcement has been unable to acquire enough evidence to prosecute the defendant.
Finally, although seeing your trafficker end up behind bars, where they belong, is validating, their criminal conviction won’t do enough to help you move forward. No matter how long they spend in jail, it won’t help you afford the physical and mental health services you need to recover. However, the compensation that Anapol Weiss gets for you through a civil legal claim will.
Women who have been knocked down over and over, figuratively and often literally, by human trafficking and exploitation can turn to our strong, compassionate team of female attorneys for support throughout everything that lies ahead. We assist sex trafficking victims without upfront costs, ensuring that survivors who most need legal help can retain our attorneys with no hesitation.
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